
Every Monday, a Lifestyle e-Blast is sent via email to all HTC residents. The Lifestyle e-Blast includes announcements and updates about upcoming Lifestyle events and activities, education classes, services and more!
Every Tuesday, a Clubs and Groups e-Blast is sent via email to all HTC residents. The Clubs and Groups e-Blast includes announcements and updates about upcoming Club and Group events and activities.
Every Thursday, a Community e-Blast is sent via email to all HTC residents. The Community e-Blast includes announcements and updates about what's going on in the community like association meetings, construction, maintenance, etc.

e-Blast Request Form
The weekly e-Blast is a great way to share your events and activities with the HTC community! Click the link below to submit your e-Blast request. The deadline for submitting requests is the Thursday before publication, but we will do our best to accommodate all requests.
There is a lot going on at HTC! Priority will be given to events happening within 2 weeks of publication.

I didn't receive my e-Blast.....
All new residents are added to our e-Blast database once your new homeowner paperwork is processed. If you are NOT receiving your e-Blast, check your Junk or Spam folder. It's likely it ended up in there. Or it's possible you might've unsubscribed from the database by mistake. If you don't find it CONTACT US to ensure you are in the database!